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предыдущая главасодержаниеследующая глава

Список литературы

1. Abramowitz М., Stegun J. A. Handbook of mathematical functions. - "Appl. Math.", 1964, Ser. 55. US Dep. Nat. Bureau of Standards.

2. Allen С. K. e. a. Structure of the lower Blue Glacier. - "J. Geol.", 1960, vol. 68, p. 601 - 625.

3. Bader H. The Greenland ice sheet. - "Cold Regions Science and Engineering", US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Monographs, 1961, P. 1, Sect. B2.

4. Атлас Антарктики. M. - Л., Изд. Советской Антарктической экспедиции и ГУГК МГ СССР, 1966.

5. Bardin U. I., Suyetova I. A. Basic morphometric characteristics for Antarctica and budget of the Antarctic Ice Cover. "Proc. Symp. Pacific Antarctic Sciences. Eleventh Pacific Science Congress. Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition Sci. Rep.", 1967, Special Issue, N 1.

6. Battey A. C. (unpubl.). Glaciological studies made at Wilkes in 1962. M. Sc. thesis presented to Met. Dep., University of Melbourn.

7. Bender J. A., Gow A. J. Deep drilling in Antarctica. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Antarctic Glaciol. General Assembly of Helsinky, 1961, Publ. N 55, p. 132-141.

8. Вenfield A. E. A problem of the temperature distribution in a moving medium.- "Quart. J. Appl. Math.", 1949, vol. 6, p. 434.

9. Вenfield A. E. The temperature in an accumulating snow-field. - "Month. Notices Roy. Astron. Soc., Geophys. Suppl.", 1951, vol .6, p. 139 - 147.

10. Вenfield A. E. The effect of accumulation on temperatures within a snow- field. - "J. Glaciol.", 1953, vol. 2, p. 250.

11. Bentley С. K. Summary of paper and discussion of: Surface slopes and ice thickness in West Antarctica. - "J. Glaciol.", 1962, vol. 4, p. 315-317.

12. Blachut T. J., Miiller F. Some fundamental considerations on glacier mapping. - "Canad. J. Earth Sci.", 1966, vol. 3, p. 747 - 760.

13. Black H. P., Budd W. F. Accumulation in the region of Wilkes, Wilkes Land Antarctica. - "J. Glaciol.", 1964, vol. 5, p. 3 - 16.

14. Bogoslovski U. N. The temperature conditions (regime) and movement of the Antarctic glacial shield. Physics of the movement of ice. Symp. Chamonix. IUGG. IASH, 1958, Publ. N 47.

15. Brace W. F. Orientation of anisotropic minerals in a stress field. - "Geol. Soc. Amer.", 1960, Memoir N 79, p. 9 - 20.

16. Budd W. F. The dynamics of the Amery Ice Shelf. - "J. Glaciol.", 1966, vol. 6, pp. 335 - 358.

17. Budd W. F. Glaciological studies in the region of Wilkes. Eastern Antarctica, 1961. - "ANARE Sci. Repts." (A) 1966, vol. 4, Publ. N88.

18. Вudd W. F. The longitudinal velocity profile of large ice masses. IUGG. IASH 14 General Assembly, Switzerland, 1968.

19. Budd W., Landon-Smith J., Wishart E. The Amery Ice Shelf. - "Physics of Snow and Ice. Conf. Low Temperatures Sci. Proc.", 1967., vol. 1, P. 1, p. 447 - 467.

20. Вutкоviсh Т. R., Landauег J. К. The flow law of ice. Symp. Chamonix, IUGG. IASH. 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 318 - 327.

21. Butkovich T. R., Landauer J. K. Creep of ice at low stresses. - In: U.S. Army Snow Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment Research Report., 1960, p. 72.

22. Carsiaw H. S., Jaeger J. C. Conduction of Heat in Solids. Oxford, 1959.

23. Carter D. (unpubl.) Wilkes ice cap project, 1967. (to be publ. in "ANARE Sci. Rept.").

24. Сlapp J. L. Summary and Discussion of survey control of ice flow studies on Roosevelt Iceland Antarctica. - In: University of Visconsin, Geophys. and Polar Research Center, Dep. Geology Res. Ser. 65 - 1, 1965.

25. Crary A. P. Glaciological studies at Little America Station Antarctica 1957 and 1958. "IGY Glaciol. Rep.", 1961, N 5. World Data Center A: Glaciology. Amer. Geogr. Soc.

26. Сгaгуe. a. Glaciological studies of the Ross Ice Shelf - "IGY Glaciol. Rep." 1962, N 6, IGY World Data Center A: Glaciology. Amer. Geogr. Soc.

27. Dоbrin M. B. Introduction to geophysical prospecting. 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1960, 446 p.

28. Dоrseу N. E. Properties of ordinary water substance in all its phases: water- vapour, water, and all the ices. - "Amer. Chem. Soc. Monogr.", 1940, N81.

29. Emiliani C. Cenozoic climatic changes as indicated by the stratigraphy and chronology of deep sea cores of globigerina-ooze facies. - "Ann. New York Acad. SCI.", 1961, vol. 95, p. 521.

30. Fairbridge R. W. (Ed.) The encyclopedia of atmospheric sciences and astrogeology. New York, Rhinhold, 1967.

31. Gerrard e. a. Measurement of the velocity distribution along a vertical line through a glacier. -"Proc. Roy. Soc.", 1952, vol. 213, Ser. A, p. 546 - 558.

32. Giоvinellо M. B. The drainage systems of Antarctica: Accumulation. - In: Antarctic snow and ice studies. Antarctic Research Series (Amer. Geophys. Union), 1964, vol. 2, p. 127-155.

33. Giоvinellоe. a. The regime of the western part of the Ross Ice Shelf drainage system. - "J. Glaciol.", 1966, vol. 6, p. 55 - 68.

34. Glen J. W. The creep of polycrystalline ice. - "Proc. Roy. Soc.", 1955, Ser. A, vol. 228, p. 519 - 538.

35. Glen J. W. The flow law of ice. -"Symp. Chamonix. IUGG. IASH, 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 171 - 183.

36. Glen L. W., Perutz M. F. The growth and deformation of ice crystals. - "J. Glaciol.", 1954, vol. 2, p. 397 - 403.

37. Gow A. J. The inner structure of the Ross Ice Shelf at Little America V, Antarctica, as revealed by deep core drilling. - "IUGG. IASH Commission of Snow and Ice General Assembly of Berkley," 1963, Publ. N 61, p. 272 - 284.

38. Gow A. J. Results in the 309m borehole at Byrd Station, Antarctica. - "J. Glaciol.", 1963, vol. 4, p. 771 - 784.

39. Gow A. J., Ueda H. Т., Garfield D. E. Antarctic ice sheet: preliminary results of first core hole to bedrock. - "Science", 1968, vol. 161, p. 1011-1013.

40. Haefeli R. Contribution to the movement and form of the ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctic. -"J. Glaciol.", 1961, vol. 3, p. 1133 - 1151.

41. Haefeli R. A numerical and experimental method of determining ice motion in the central parts of ice sheets. - "IUGG. IASH Commission of Snow and Ice. General Assembly of Berkley." 1963, Publ. N 61, p. 253 - 260.

42. Hansen B. L. (Personal communication to Dr. Radoc concerning completion of Byrd deep drilling project.)

43. Hansen B. L., Landauer J. K. Some results of ice cap drill hole measurements. -"IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix.", 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 313-317.

44. Hansen B. L., Langway C. C. Deep core drilling in ice and core analysis at Camp Century Greenland. 1961 - 1966, - "Antarctic J. of the U.S.", 1966, vol. 1, p. 207 - 208.

45. Heuberger J. C. Borehole studies on the ice cap Greenland. - "Glaciology", 1954, vol. 1 (Greenland. Glaciology, vol. 1. Forage sur l'inlandsis). Paris, Herman & Cie.

46. Jaeger J. C. Elasticity Fracture and Flow. Methuen, 1964.

47. Jenssen M. J. D., Radок U. Transient temperature distributions in ice caps and ice shelves. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Helsinki, 1961, p. 112.

48. Jenssen M. J. D., Radок U. Heat conduction in thinning ice sheets. - "J. Glaciol.", 1963, vol. 4, p. 347.

49. Kamb W. B. Theory of preferred crystal orientation. - "J. Geol.", 1959, vol. 67, p. 153 - 170.

50. Kamb W. B. Ice petrofabric observations from Blue Glacier Washington in relation to theory and experiment. - "J. Phys. Res.", 1959, vol. 64, p. 1891 - 1910.

51. Kanasewich E. R. Gravity measurements on the Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada. - "J. Glaciol.", 1963, vol. 4, p. 617 - 632.

52. Kick W. Measuring and mapping glacier variations. - "Canad. J. Earth Sci.', 1966, vol. 6, p. 775-781.

53. Кizакi K. Ice fabric studies on Hamna Ice Fall and Honnorbrygga Glacier, Antarctica. - "Antarctic Record", 1962, N 16, p. 1392 - 1412.

54. Kizaki K. Ice fabric study of Mawson region. East Antarctica. - "J. Glaciol.", 1969, vol. 8, p. 253 - 276.

55. Kizaki K. (unpubl.). Ice fabric analysis of surface near Casey Range, East Antarctica.

56. Konecny G. Application of photogrammetry to surveys of glaciers in Canada and Alaska. - "Canad. J. Earth Sci.", 1966, vol. 3, p. 783-798.

57. Lagallу M. M. Zur Thermodynamik der Gletscher. - "Z. Gletscherkunde", 1932, vol. 20, S. 199 - 214.

58. Lagallу M. Mechanic und Thermodynamik des statianaren Gletchers. Ergebnisse des kosmoschen Physik (Akad. Ferlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig), 1934, Bel. 2. 94 S.

59. Lagallу M. Die Zahigkeit des Gletschereises und die Tiefe der Gletscher. - "Z. Gletscherkunde", 1939, vol. 18.

60. Langway С. C. Some physical and chemical investigations of a 411m-deep Greenland ice core for climatic changes. - In: IUGG. IASH Commission of Snow and Ice. Symp. Obergurgl Publ. 1962, N 48, p. 101 - 118.

61. Lee H. K., Uyeda S. Review of heat flow data. Terrestrial heat flow. - "Geophys. Monograph", 1965, N 8 (American Geophysical Union), p. 87 - 190.

62. Lliboutry L. Une theorie du frottement du glacier sur son lit. - "Ann. Geophys.", 1959, vol. 15, p. 250 - 265.

63. Llibоutгу L. Le regime thermique de la base des calottes polaires. - In: IUGG. IASH General Assembly of Berkley. Publ. N 61, 1963, p. 232 - 244.

64. Lliboutry L. Subglacial "supercavitation" as a cause of the rapid advances of glaciers. - "Nature", 1964, vol. 202, p. 77.

65. Lliboutry L. Traite de glaciologie. Т. 1 et 2. Paris, Masson et Cie.

66. Lliboutry L. Bottom temperatures and basal low-velocity layer in an ice sheet. - "J. Geophys. Res.", 1966, vol. 71, p. 2535 - 2543.

67. Lliboutry L. General theory of subglacial cavitation and sliding of temperate glaciers. - "J. Glaciol.", 1968, vol. 7, p. 21 - 58.

68. Lоewe F. The water budget in Antarctica. - "Proc. Symp. on Pacific Antarctic Sciences, Eleventh Pacific Science Congress. Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. Sci. Rep.", Special Issue, N 1, 1967, p. 101 - 110.

69. MacDonald G. J. F. Orientation of anisotropic minerals in a stress field: rock deformation. - "Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem.", 1960, N 79, p. 1 - 8.

70. McLaren W. A. Ice cap study, Wilkes, Antarctica. - "Antarctica" (New Zealand Antarctic Soc.), 1966, vol. 4(8).

71. McLaren W. A. A study of the local ice cap near Wilkes, Antarctica. - "ANARE Sci. Rep. (A)", 1968, vol. 4, Publ. N 103.

72. Mathews W. H. Vertical distribution of velocity in Salmon Glacier, British Columbia. - "J. Glaciol.", 1959, vol. 3 (26).

73. Meier M. F. Vertical profiles of velocity and the flow law of glacier ice. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix. Publ. N 47, 1958, p. 1969 - 1960.

74. Meier M. F. Mode of flow of Saskachevan Glacier, Alberta, Canada. - "Geol. Survey Professional Paper", 1960, N 351.

75. Meier M. F. Calculations of slip of Nisqually Glacier on its bed: no simple relation of sliding velocity to shear stress. - In: IUGG. IASH General Assembly of Switzerland. Snow and Ice. 1969, Publ. N 79, p. 49 - 57.

76. Mellоr M. Creep tests on Antarctic glacier ice. - "Nature", 1959, vol. 184, p. 717.

77. Mellor M. Temperature gradients in the Antarctic ice sheet. - "J. Glaciol.", 1960, vol. 3, p. 773.

78. Mellor M. The Antarctic ice sheet. - "Cold regions science and engineering", USA CRREL Monogr., 1961, P. 1, Sect. В. 1.

79. Mellor M. Snow and Ice on the Earth's surface. "Cold regions science and engineering", 1964, P. 2. Physical Science, C. The physics and mechanics of ice. U. S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.

80. Mellоr M., Smith J. H. Creep of snow and ice. - "U. S. Army CRREL Res. Rep." N 220, 1966 (also Sapporo Conference, 1966, Physics of Snow and Ice, P. 2).

81. Mock S. T. Calculated patterns of accumulation on the Greenland ice sheet. - "J. Glaciol.", 1967, vol. 6, p. 795 - 804.

82. Mоrgan P. J. (unpubl.). Photogrammetric and geophysical methods of determining the mass budget of an ice cap. M. Sc. thesis submitted to Met. Dep., University of Melbourn, 1966.

83. Nye J. K. The flow of glaciers and ice sheets as a problem in plasticity. - "Proc. Roy. Soc. (A)", 1951, vol. 207, p. 554 - 572.

84. Nye J. F. The mechanics of a glacier flow - "J. Glaciol.", 1952, vol. 2, p. 82.

85. Nye J. F. A comparison between the theoretical and the measured long profile of the Unteraar Glacier. "J. Glaciol.", 1952, vol. 2, p. 103.

86. Nye J. F. The flow law of ice from measurements in glacier tunnels, laboratory measurements and the Jungfraufirn borehole experiment. - "Proc. Roy. Soc. (A)", 1953, vol. 219, p. 447 - 489.

87. Nye J. F. The distribution of stress and velocity in glaciers and ice sheets. - "Proc. Roy. Soc. (A)", 1957, vol. 239, p. 113 - 133.

88. Nye J. F. A theory of wave formation in glaciers. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix, 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 139 - 154.

89. Nye J. F. The deformation of a glacier below an ice fall .- "J. Glaciol.", 1959, vol. 3, p. 387.

90. Nye J. F. The motion of ice sheets and glaciers. - "J. Glaciol.", 1956, vol. 3, p. 493 - 507.

91. Nye J. F. The response of glaciers and ice sheet to seasonal and climatic changes - "Proc. Roy. Soc. (A)", vol. 256, p. 559 - 584.

92. Nye J. F. The frequency response of glaciers. - "J. Glaciol.", 1965, vol. 5, p. 589-608.

93. Nye J. F. The flow of a glacier in a channel of rectangular, elliptic or parabolic. cross section. - "J. Glaciol.", 1965, vol. 5, p. 661 - 690.

94. Nye J. F. (to be publ.). The effect of longitudinal stress on the stress at the base of an ice sheet. (Submitted to "J. Glaciol.", 1961, Jan.)

95. Opik F. J. Ice ages. - In: The Planet Earth (D. R. Bates, ed.). 2nd ed. Per- gamon Press, 1964.

96. Orvig S. The glaciological studies of the Baffin Island Expedition, 1950. P. 5. On the variation of the shear stresses on the bed of ice cap.- "J. Glaciol.", 1953, vol. 2, p. 242 - 246.

97. Palmer A. C. Creep velocity bounds and glacier flow problems.- "J. Glaciol.", 1953, vol. 2, p. 242 - 246.

98. Pater son W. S. B. Variation in velocity of Athabasca Glacier with time. - "J. Glaciol.", 1964, vol. 5, p. 277 - 286.

99. Pater son W. S. B. (unpubl.). Observations on Athabasca Glacier and their relation to the theory of glacier flow. Doctoral thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, В. C" Canadj, 1962, 188 p.

100. PatersonW. S. В., Savage J L. Geometry and movement of the Athabasca Glacier. - "J. Geophys. Res.", 1963, vol. 68, p. 4513 - 4520.

101. Pater son W. S. В., Savage J. L. Borehole measurements in the Athabasca Glacier. - "J. Geophys. Res.", 1963, vol. 68, p. 4521 - 4536.

102. Pater son W. S. В., Savage J. L. Measurements on Athabasca Glacier relating to the flow law of ice. - "J. Geophys. Res.", 1963, vol. 68, p. 4521 - 4536.

103. Pfitzner L. The Wilkes ice cap project 1966, - "ANARE Sci. Rep. (A)", vol. 4 (to be publ.).

104. Philberth K. Ein Schmelzonde zur Messung des Temperaturprofila in Eiskolotten. - "Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technic", 1966, Heft 11, S. 360.

105. Philberth B. Measurements of the permitivity of ice. - "J. Glaciol.", 1967, vol. 6, p. 765, 766.

106. Powell R. W. Thermal conductivities and expansion coefficients of water and ice. - "Advances Phys.", 1958, vol. 7, p. 276 - 297.

107. Powell R. W. Preliminary measurements of the thermal conductivity and expansion of ice - "Proc. Roy. Soc. (A)", 1958, vol. 247, p. 464.

108. Radok U. Temperatures in polar ice caps. - "Nature", 1959, vol. 184, p. 1056.

109. Ratcliff E. H. The thermal conductivity of ice, new data on temperature coefficient. - "Philos. Mag." (8th Ser.), 1962, vol. 7, p. 1197 - 1203.

110. Reid J. R. Petrofabric analysis of an ice layer from a neve-ice anticline, in deformation of the Ross Ice Shelf near the Bay of Whales, Antarctica.- "IGY Glaciol. Rep.", Ser. N 3 (American Geogr. Soc.), 1960, p. 91 - 113.

111. Rigsby G. P. Study of ice fabrig. Thule area. Greenland. - "US Army SIPRE Rep.", 1955, N 26.

112. Rigsby G. P. Fabrics of glacier and laboratory deformed ice. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix, 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 351 - 358.

113. Rigs by G. P. Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the velocity of shear deformation of single ice crystals. - "J. Glaciol.", 1956, vol. 3, p. 274 - 275.

114. Rigsby G. P. Crystal orientation in glacier and experimentally deformed ice. - "J. Glaciol.", 1960, vol. 3, pp. 589 - 606.

115. Robin G. de Q. Ice movement and temperature distribution in glaciers and ice sheets - "J. Glaciol.", 1955, vol. 2, p. 523 - 532.

116. Robin G. de Q. Surface topography of ice sheets. - "Nature", 1967, vol. 215r p. 1029 - 1032.

117. Robinson E. S. On the relationship of ice - surface topography to bed topography on the South Polar Plateau.-"J. Glaciol.", 1966, vol. 6, p. 43 - 54.

118. S с h у 11 V. Snow studies at Maudheim, snow studies inland: the inner structure of the ice shelf at Maudheim as shown by core drilling. Norwegian- British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1949-52.- "Sci. Res., vol. 4. Glaciology 2. A to C, 1958.

119. Sharp R. P. Deformation of a vertical borehole in a piedmont glacier. - "J. Glaciol.", 1953, vol. 2 (13).

120. Sharp R. P. Glaciers. University of Oregon Press, 1960.

121. Shoumsky P. A. The mechanism of ice straining and its recrystalliza- tion. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix, 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 244 - 248.

122. Shoumsky P. A. On the theory of glacier motion. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. on Antarctic Glaciology. General Assembly of Helsinky, 1961, Publ. N 55, p. 142 - 149.

123. Shoumsky P. A. The dynamics and morphology of glaciers. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. on Antarctic Glaciology General Assembly of Helsinky, 1961, Publ. N 55, p. 152 - 161.

124. Шумский П. А. Поля давления и плотности ледников. - "Результаты ис- след. по программе МГГ. Глядиол. исслед.", 1963, № 9.

125. Шумский П. А. Кинематика стационарного ледника. - "Результаты исслед. по программе МГГ. Гляциол. исслед.", 1963, № 9.

126. Shоumsку P. A. On the theory of glacier variations. - "IUGG. IASH Bull." 8 Annee, 1963, N 1, p. 45 - 56.

127. Shoumsky P. A. The distribution of stress velocity and temperature in glaciers. - In: Physics of Snow and Ice, International Conference on Low Temperature Science. Sapporo, Japan, 1966. The Institute of Low Temperature Science. Hokkaido University. Proc., 1967, vol. 1, P. 1, p. 371 - 384.

128. Shoumsky P. A., Zotikov I. A. On the mass and heat exchange in the Antarctic ice shelves. - In: IUGG. IASH General Assembly of Berkley. Comission of Snow and Ice, 1963, Publ. N 61, p. 225 - 231.

129. Shoumsky P. A., Krenke A. N., Zotikov I. A. Ice and its changes. - In: "Res. in Geophys.", 1964, vol. 2, p. 425 - 4650. Solid earth and interface phenomena. M.I.T. Press.

130. Steinemann S. Resultats experimentaux sur la dynamique de la glacc et leur correlation avec le movement et la petrographie des glaciers.- In. IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix, 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 184 - 198.

131. Тien Chi. Temperature distribution of an idealised ice cap. - "U. S. Armv SIPRE Res. Rep.", 1960, N 64.

132. Ueda H. Т., Hansen B. L. Installation of deep core drilling equipment at Byrd Station. - "Antarctic J. U.S.", 1967, vol. 2, p. 120 - 121.

133. Vialov S. S. Regularities of glacial shields movement and the theory of plastic viscous flow. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix", 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 226 - 275.

134. Vialov S. S. Regularity of ice deformation. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix, 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 383 - 391.

135. Vialov S. S. On the theory of the flow of glaciers. Physics of snow and ice. - In: International Conference of Low Temperature Science, 1967, vol. 1, P. 1, p. 350 - 356.

136. Войтковский К. Ф. Механические свойства льда. М., Изд-во АН СССР, 1960.

137. Walker D. J. Wilkes geophysical surveys, Antarctica 1962 - 3. Geophys. Progress Rept, N 1964/25. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Department National Development, Canberra, 1964 (unpubl.).

138. Walker D. J. Wilkes Geophysical Surveys, Antarctica 1962. Records N 1966/129. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Department National Development, Canberra, 1966 (unpubl.)

139. Weertman J. On the sliding of glaciers. - "J. Glaciol.", 1957, vol. 3, p. 33 - 38.

140. Weertman J. Deformation of floating ice shelves. - "J. Glaciol.", 1957, vol. 3, p. 38 - 42.

141. Weertman J. Travelling waves on glaciers. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Chamonix, 1958, Publ. N 47, p. 162 - 168.

142. Weertman J. Equilibrium profile of ice caps. - "J. Glaciol.", 1961, vol. 3, p. 953 - 964.

143. Weertman J. Stability of ice age sheets. - "J. Geophys. Res.", 1961, vol.66, p. 3783 - 3792.

144. Weertman J. Catastrophic glacier advances. - In: IUGG. IASH Symp. Obergurgl, 1962, p. 31 - 39.

145. Weertman J. The theory of glacier sliding. - "J. Glaciol.", 1964, vol. 5, p. 287 - 304.

146. Weertman J. Rate of growth or shrinkage of nonequilubrium ice sheets. - "U.S. Army CRREL Res. Rep", 1964, N 145.

147. Weertman J. An examination of the Lliboutry theory of glacier sliding. - "J. Glaciol.", 1967, vol. 6, p. 489 - 494.

148. Wexler H. Geothermal heat and glacial growth. - "J. Glaciol.", 1959, vol.3, p. 420 - 425.

149. Wexler H. Heating and melting of floating ice shelves. - "J. Glaciol.", 1960, vol. 3, p. 626 - 645.

150. Wexler H. Growth and thermal structure of the deep ice in Byrd Land, Antarctica. - "J. Glaciol.", 1961, vol. 3, p. 1075 - 1087.

151. Wilson S. D. Report on the 1958 Tuto ramp slope indicator measurements, by Shannon & Wilson, for U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1959.

152. Зотиков И. А. Тепловой режим ледника Центральной Антарктиды. - "Информ. бюл. Советской антарктической экспедиции", 1961, № 28, с. 16 - 20.

153. Зотиков И. А. О температуре в толще ледников Антарктиды. - В кн.: Антарктида. Доклады междувед. комиссии по исслед. Антарктики. 1963. М., Изд-во АН СССР, 1964.

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